Saturday, April 25, 2020

What Cant the Extended Essay Topic Be?

What Can't the Extended Essay Topic Be?What can't the extended essay topic be? You would think that if you're asking this question, you should know the answer. The usual answer given to this question is a variety of things.Well, one main reason is that if the question is asked by a teacher, the teacher wants to see your ability to work and manage the time in your study time. This is where the answer is usually given.Another reason is that it depends. Some people who write a lot may have an extensive range of topic available to them, so you might want to check their resources. But you have to realize that many professionals in education will use questions like this to determine your ability to work with the environment that they are in.What can't the extended essay topic to be a little less practical for you? Perhaps you're the kind of person who does not enjoy reading much, which is most likely, as you are probably more into writing and finding ways to entertain yourself while workin g on your assignments. That is the only time when the extended essay topic is not a good idea.Perhaps, you need extra copies of the textbook that you will be using. Well, you are quite unlikely to get a lot of insight into the subject matter that the teacher will use in the essay. It is easier to use the old text than spend a lot of time creating new ones to fill in any holes that might be there.Perhaps, you are stuck for ideas. Perhaps, you simply cannot come up with one and it's dragging on, right? Well, I do have some suggestions. Have you ever heard of the idea of 'reading and re-reading'? You may not have heard of it, but it's a great idea to help you come up with something that you find useful and interesting. Read through the book from cover to cover and re-read your notes of ideas to find things that may have slipped your mind.Your good advice has been heard. What can't the extended essay topic be? Well, I don't know about you, but I'm really tired of answering the same ques tion all the time.

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